Working in education is stressful work in ‘normal’ times, but the pressures accompanying the pandemic were unparalleled – and show no abatement.

How do we continue the work that is on our hearts amidst extraordinary uncertainty and volatility? How do we help ourselves and each other through the most tumultuous period we have experienced in education?

As we navigate this ongoing uncertainty and ambiguity, the IFL mission is to help educators leverage this liminal time of chaos and confusion, get inspired again, and create what our hearts seek to create. 

Let us help you navigate this creative time.

During this 12-week “quick start” coaching program you will:

  • Craft a ten-year personal vision – get clear on your passion, your purpose, and your values. This vision serves as both your North Star and your rudder as you navigate ongoing disruption and chaos.

  • Identify your strengths and your weaknesses in relation to your vision –identify a clear-eyed and objective snapshot of the assets and behaviors that are, and are not, serving you right now. This knowledge will support your pursuit of a ten-year vision.

  • Draft your personal learning agenda – what would you like to do differently? What are you most excited to try? The power of baby steps is vastly underestimated in the pursuit of big dreams.

  • Experiment and try new things in pursuit of your vision – this is critical: “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got”.

  • Get clear on your ‘Immunity to Change’ – make it conscious and draft a plan to address it. 

  • Experience the power of doing this work with others – and the exponential return in doing so.

This coaching will be grounded in adult development research, the neuroscience of behavioral change, and Richard Boyatzis’s Intentional Change Theory.  The coaching program is practical, inspirational and community based. If you are interested in learning more, please contact me.